Industrial Designs

Industrial design is the aesthetic and decorative external appearance of a product. It may include lines or colours, or a threedimensional form either coloured or uncoloured which can be used in industrialised or handcrafted production, including textile design. This composition or form must be such as to confer a specific appearance on the industrial or handcrafted product.

The request for registration of the industrial design shall be presented to the Registrar in writing. The Regulations explain what information must be included in the request, the way it is to be entered in the registers of the competent Administration, as well as the rules, procedures and deadlines for the request to be examined and a decision taken thereon.

The Registrar shall issue a decision, either accepting or rejecting the request to register the industrial design, or accepting it on condition that certain modifications are made to the design for the sake of clarity and to avoid ambiguities with other industrial designs.