We are Fascinated About IP
We believe IP is the most important right for people, it has been developed through the years and it is going to change the world of invention and creativity. We are honored and excited to be a part of this amazing industry.
We Love Serving Our Customers
We think it is an honor and a privilege to serve our wonderful customers. We go out of our way to deliver insanely over-the-top customer service, spending extra time and effort to really fulfill their requirements.
Through our expertise, professionalism, collaboration and communication, we want to add a bit of delight to our customers’ experience with NJQ.

We invest in the “outcomes”
At NJQ & Associates, excellence and quality really matter to us. We spend our utmost efforts to make our outcome worthwhile and elegant.
We are Pro-Active
We do not wait for problems to occur before we fix them. Each and everyone of our team have the power and authority to use their best judgment to oversee and deal with issues facing day-to-day operations.
We take personal responsibility for our learning, schedule, and productivity, and we own up to mistakes.

We Embrace Hi-Tech
“We are always adapting, using new technology, trying new methods and facilitating state-of-the-art solutions. We like to keep on pace with the latest developments on “everything”, it is vital to our long term success.
We are a Family
We work together by putting one step in front of the other; we believe it’s important to have real and meaningful friendships. We are not just a Team, we are a family. We are there for each other, we help one another whenever we can and spend time with each other having fun outside of work hours. It is amazing what a group can accomplish when it does not matter who gets the credit!
We Like Diversity
We embrace different backgrounds, personalities, and skill levels. We treat everyone as equals – with respect and care – because we think that the brain is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.

We Respect your Knowledge
NJQ & Associates do not pretend that we know more about your business and clients than you do. We do, however, know how to harness that knowledge and get you to generate more rigorous and better-aligned solutions through our unique expertise.

One for All, and All for One
To get things done it is important that all parts of the organisation are working to the same goals. NJQ & Associates have the breadth of experience to take a wide commercial perspective and ensure joined up thinking.
We Charge you for Adding Value – Not for Keeping us Busy
NJQ & Associates treat your budget as if it was our own. We believe that we are partners, so we invest in our people but we keep other costs to a minimum to ensure we provide value.
Best Practice Does Not Always Make Perfect
We know what best practice looks like, however, the unique circumstances and culture of your organisation determines the proposals we recommend. We take a grounded and realistic approach to your business challenges and use best practice as a reference, not an answer.
Seeing the Wood for the Trees
Yes, we love to get in to the detail, as this is often where the crux of the problem is found. However, our methodology also forces us to rise above the detail and keep focused on the priorities.