Patents - General Information

  • You can claim priority according to Paris Convention within: 12 months from the first filing date.
  • Member of: PCT, Paris Convention.
  • Period of protection of a patent: 20 years.
  • Annuities: The fees are usually due from the fourth anniversary of the filing date. Maintenance fees are due each anniversary after that until the patent ceases. There is a grace period of 6 months with penalty for each month or part month that the payment is late. Please note that a standard patent is protected for a period of 20 years provided that the annual fees are maintained, however the protection period for pharmaceuticals patents is 25 years.
  • Allowed time to submit the assignment deed from the date of signing the agreement: no time restrictions.

There are three types of patents which differ in the costs, the length of protection they offer, the time they take to process, and the type of invention they seek to cover.

Those three types are:
1) Provisional application.
2) Standard patent.
3) Innovation patent.

The information we provided above are in respect of standard patents.