- Country code top level domain name extension (ccTLD): .DE
- Grace period for late renewal of the domain: 30 days.
If registration of a .de domain is terminated, the deletion of the domain is followed by a 30-day cooling-off phase, the so-called Redemption Grace Period (abbreviated RGP). During RGP, the deleted domain can only be re-registered on behalf of the last domain holder or in the name of a third party defined by the domain holder. While it is in RGP, no fee shall be charged for the deleted domain.
Unlike in the past, deleted domains are no longer immediately released and available for registration by a third party. Instead, during the 30-day cooling-off phase, the domain can only be re-registered on behalf of the last domain holder or in the name of a third party defined by the domain holder.
Domains cannot be registered by any third party as long as they are in the 30-day Redemption Grace Period (RGP). Only if no redemption request has been made by the last domain holder during the RGP phase, the relevant domain name(s) shall become available for registration by any interested party again.