Patents - Filing Requirements

Patent Filing Requirements

A patent can be registered in Grenada pursuant to the Patents Act, (No. 16 of 2011) and Registration of United Kingdom Patents (Cap. 283) which provide for both local patent applications and applications to extend rights under a UK registration within three years from the date of registration in the UK.

For a local application, the following information and documentation are required:

1- A request for the grant of the patent;
2- Description of the invention;
3- One or more claims and any drawings referred to in the description or any claim;
4- Abstract;
6- Power of attorney (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised);
7- certified copy of priority document (if priority is claimed), and
8- PCT application if required.

For a UK-based application, the following information and documentation are required:

1- An application for registration of UK patent;
2- Any drawings;
3- Certified copy of the UK extract;
4- Certificate of Comptroller-General of UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO), and
5- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

It usually takes 12 to 18 months or less for the Registrar’s Office at the Supreme Court Registry to process an application for registration. Paris Convention priority can be claimed. Once the registration is complete the Registrar’s Office will issue Letters Patent.

Annuity Requirements
  • No documents are required.

Patent Search
  • No documents are required.

Patent Assignment

  • Late filing of documents: not allowed.

To record the assignment of a local patent registration, the required documents are:

1- Original deed of Assignment or a certified copy (notarised), and
2- Power of attorney signed by the assignee (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

To record the assignment of a UK-based patent registration, the required document:

1- Certified copy of the UK extract showing the assignment, and
2- Power of attorney signed by the assignee (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

Patent Merger

  • Late filing of documents: not allowed.

To record the merger of a local patent registration, the required documents are:

1- Original merger agreement or a certified copy (notarised), and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

To record the merger of a UK-based patent registration, the required document:

1- Certified copy of the UK extract showing the merger, and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

Patent Recordal of Change

  • Late filing of documents: not allowed.

To record a change of name and/or address of a local patent registration, the required documents are:

1- Original document evidencing the change of applicant name/ address or a certified copy (notarised), and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

To record a change of name and/or address of a UK-based patent registration, the required document:

1- Certified copy of the UK extract showing the license, and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

Patent License

  • Late filing of documents: not allowed.

To record the license of a local patent registration, the required documents are:

1- Original License agreement document signed by both parties or a certified copy (notarised), and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).

To record the license of a UK-based patent registration, the required document:

1- Certified copy of the UK extract showing the license, and
2- Power of attorney simply signed (bearing the company seal of the applicant or notarised).