Intellectual property in general is the legal aspect related to moral rights originating from intellectual efforts of a person. Industrial designs and drawings form an important part of the intellectual property.
The industrial designs and drawings in their shape, pattern, appearance and colours are what makes an item of goods appeal to customers and accordingly forms an asset to the commercial value of the product and increases the marketing propablities of the item.
The protection of the Industrial Designs & Drawings helps in the economic development, extension of economic activities and in exporting the national products.
The Industrial Designs & Drawings usually consist of three dimensional elements, e.g. the shape of the item, the surface thereof, or two dimensional elements such as drawings, lines or colours.
Industrial Designs & Drawings constitute groups of industrial products, handicrafts, medical instruments, watches, jewelry, utensils, electrical appliances, chassis of cars, buildings, designs of textiles, luxury goods, etc…