The author of any original work of the mind (literary, artistic or scientific), purely as a result of its creation, shall enjoy an exclusive intangible property right (known as copyright) in the work that prevails against all other.
Works shall be protected independently of their value and purpose.
The following in particular shall be considered works of the mind:
(1) books, pamphlets and other writings;
(2) lectures, addresses, sermons and other works of the same nature;
(3) works created for the stage, dramatic works and dramatico-¬musical works, choreographed, pantomime and comic works, with production fixed in writing or otherwise;
(4) musical works, in written form or otherwise, with or without lyrics;
(5) pictorial works and drawings, lithographs, etchings, woodcuts and others of the same nature;
(6) sculptures, bas¬-relief and mosaics of all kinds;
(7) architectural works, including both plans and models and the building itself;
(8) tapestries and works created by artistic professions and by the applied arts, including both sketches and models and the works themselves, whether handicraft or produced on an industrial scale;
(9) maps, illustrations and drawings and graphic and three ¬dimensional reproductions of a scientific or technical nature;
(10) cinematographic, radiophonic and audiovisual works;
(11) photographic works of artistic or documentary character, to which are assimilated, for the purposes of this Law, works expressed by a process analogous to photography;
(12) translations, arrangements or adaptations of the above works;
(13) collections of literary or artistic works such as encyclopedias or anthologies;
(14) computer programs;
(15) folklore and works derived from folklore.