- Country code top level domain name extension (ccTLD): .CD
- Grace period for late renewal of the domain: no grace period.
A registrant can renew the domain name at any time after registration, before or during Redemption Grace Period. A domain name license can be renewed for any period as long as the renewal years requested plus remaining registration duration does not exceed the maximum domain license period set by the domain name registry. For example, if the maximum domain license period for the registry is 5 years, and a registration has 18 months remaining until expiration, and 4 years of renewal are requested, the resulting period would be 5 years and 6 months, which would be rejected by the domain name registry since it exceeds the maximum domain license period of 5 years.
The "Redemption Grace Period" is the number of calendar days following the deletion of a domain name. During the "Redemption Grace Period", the domain will be removed from the DNS and becomes not resolvable. Domain name modifications, renewals and transfers are not allowed when a domain name is in this period. To redeem the domain name, a non-refundable Restoration fee will be incurred in addition to a minimum 1-year renewal fee.