Domain Names - Filing Requirements

Domain Name Registration
  • The contact information for the domain's administrative, technical, and billing contacts must be true and complete. Their email addresses must be valid, and must be read, as all communication from ISNIC regarding the registration is via email.
  • The domain zone contact shall be with the party that manages the domain nameservers, The zone contact must be registered at ISNIC.

Registration fee must be paid as part of the registration process. The applicant must be legally qualified to enter into commitments or to commit the legal entity in question in accordance with Icelandic legislation at any time.

ISNIC reserves the right to reject applications for domains if the conditions for the domain name are not observed or the name does not comply with the traditions and general rules of the Internet.

ISNIC can at any time request documents confirming that the applicant meets the conditions set with regard to the registration of domains.