Trademarks - General Information

  • Filing System: Multi-Class Filing System.
  • Classification of goods/services: 10th Edition of Nice Classification.
  • Registrables: trademarks, service marks, collective marks.
  • Member of Paris Convention: yes.
  • Claiming priority under Paris Convention: yes.
  • Filing international registration under Madrid Agreement: yes.
  • Filing international registration under Protocol to Madrid Agreement: yes.
  • Time from filing to registration: 12 months.
  • Protection (registration) duration: 10 years from the application date.
  • Examination type: formal examination.
  • Examination time: 5 months.
  • Publications: in the Official Gazette after acceptance.
  • Opposition period: 60 days.
  • Use: a registered mark may be subject for a cancellation action by any interested party if it has not been used for 5 consecutive years.
  • Renewal application can be made within: 90 days before expiry.
  • Renewal duration: 10 years.
  • Grace period to renew after expiration: 60 days without penalty. The Registrar is also given the discretion to issue a further thirty-day notice to the registered proprietor of the trade mark.
  • Method of conducting the search: official search only.
  • Search for a device: possible.
  • Time required to complete the search: 8 days.
  • Claiming goodwill upon assignment: optional.
  • Time period of the license: can be decided by parties.

Where registration of a later trade mark application is refused by an examiner as a result of the existence of an earlier non-renewed trade mark in respect of which a sixty-day notice has not yet been issued, the examiner should ensure that the notice is immediately issued and in the provisional refusal letter inform the applicant (of the later trademark application) of the date of the notice so that the applicant can determine when the sixty-day period will expire.