An ‘industrial designs’ protects the visual features of the whole, or a part, of a product. These features could include elements such as the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or of its decoration.
A ‘product’ is understood to be any industrial or hand-made item, and can include, for example:
- Components used to assemble a complex product – this is a product composed of multiple components that can be removed to disassemble it, and replaced to reassemble it (e.g. ATM machines, advertising hoardings – mupis, cars, mobile phones, printers, furniture, etc.);
- Packaging;
- Elements of a presentation (e.g. the graphic design of advertising hoardings, computer presentation layouts);
- Graphic symbols (e.g. computer icons, elements of signage, identifying signs, miscellaneous symbols);
- Typographic characters (e.g. fonts or lettering).