Patents - Filing Requirements

Patent Filing Requirements
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.
  • Certified copy of the priority document if claimed.
  • Request for the grant of a patent, stating the name of the invention, the applicant(s) and inventor(s) names together with their domicile or place of business.
  • Description setting out the invention in a sufficient detail to be carried out.
  • One or more claims defining the subject matter of the invention and fully supported by the description.
  • Drawings and other materials, where necessary for the understanding of the subject matter of the invention.
  • A short summary of the invention (an abstract) not exceeding 150 words.

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.

The application shall be drawn up in the Armenian language.

Annuity Requirements
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.

Patent Assignment
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.
  • Three copies of the assignment deed (where at least one is an original) without erasures and with paginated and stitched (sewed) pages, as well as its certified translation in Armenian language.

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.

Patent Merger
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.
  • Notarised copy of the merger document in English language confirming the alteration (it can be a notarised copy of the extract from the Domestic Trade Register).

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.

Patent Recordal of Change
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.
  • Notarised copy of the merger document in English language confirming the alteration (it can be a notarised copy of the extract from the Domestic Trade Register).

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.

Patent License
  • Power of attorney signed and stamped by the applicant.
  • Three copies of the license agreement document (where at least one is an original) without erasures and with paginated and stitched (sewed) pages, as well as its certified translation in Armenian language.

  • Late filing of documents: within 3 months from filing date without penalty.
  • Extension of time for late filing of documents: can be applied for an additional period of 3 months with penalty.