Industrial Design Filing Requirements
- Power of attorney legalised or apostille.
- A copy for each section of the design from different angles covering all aspects.
- Extract of the commercial register if the applicant is a local company.
- Business license if the applicant is a foreign company.
- Deed of assignment document if the applicant is not the inventor.
- Late filing of documents: not allowed.
Annuity Requirements
- No documents are required.
Industrial Design Assignment
- Power of attorney signed by the assignor legalised, and a separate power by the assignee.
- Deed of assignment document legalised or apostille.
Industrial Design Recordal of Change
- Power of attorney legalised or apostille.
- A letter from the proprietors addressed to the Registrar stating their request to effect the change of name or address.
Industrial Design License
- Power of attorney signed by the licensee and licensor legalised or apostille.
- License agreement document signed by the parties legalised or apostille.