DAMASCUS – We filed a trademark application for registration on 19 January 2016 on behalf of our client, YILDIZ HOLDING ANONIM SIRKETI, for “pladis” in classes 30. The application was assigned number 511.
The Registrar issued its decision to reject our client’s application due to similarity with the registered mark “BLADY”. In return, we submitted our counter statement before the appeal committee evidencing the dissimilarity between both marks and providing evidence of our client’s prior registration for “pladis”.
The committee refused our appeal and issued a decision similar to the Registrar’s. The only available course of action was to appeal the refusal to a court judge.
The court appointed an expert to demonstrate the similarity and dissimilarity between the trademarks, and after several hearings, the court issued a decision to overturn the Registrar’s decision and ordered our client’s application to register.
If you have any questions, please contact syria@qumsieh.com.