An opposition against the trademark “TRIX in Latin and Arabic characters in special font and device” application No. 57877 in class 32 under the name of Abdrous Thabt Ali Al-Qurashi, a local Yemeni company, was raised by our client Soyyigit Baharat Gida Kimyevi Maddeleri Sanayi Limited Sirketi.
The above application was accepted and published in the Trademark Journal on 13 March 2012 subject for opposition for 3 months.
Acting on behalf of our client, the plaintiff, we filed an opposition against said application based on the following:
- The confusing similarity between our client’s mark and the defendant’s mark in general appearance, phonetics, and list of goods;
- The application was filed in bad faith;
- Our client has real use of his trademark in Yemen since 2006, and
- Our client has prior registrations for its trademarks in home country, Yemen, and abroad.
Considering our above arguments, the Registrar has issued its decision and has cancelled the subject application. Said decision became final since it was not appealed before the court within 30 days.
If you have any questions regarding our practice in Yemen, please contact us at yemen@qumsieh.com.
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